If you wish to purchase any of the work on this site please email me at rowenaardern@googlemail.com or ring me direct on 07866591208 .
Prices are as follows
Woodland Screen £1000 collect only from my studio in South East London
Embroideries and drawings individually priced includes frame plus postage and packing
Canvases £120 plus postage and packing
Square cushions with added embroidery £70
Square cushions digital print £65
Oblong cushions £70
Prices include feather inners for cushions .
Small cushions from £40
Silver Birch Tea towels £10 each postage and packing £2.50 in the UK
Cushions £4.50 postage and packing in the UK
Prints from £5 for hand printed cards to £100 upwards for larger prints .